Weight Loss by Treadmill

The advantages of using a fitness treadmill as part of an effective weight loss regime.

Here are some tips for marathon competitors and runners to enable you to put some FUN back into your treadmill running.



  • Videotape your favorite daytime soaps, sitcoms, or movies, and get on the treadmill to watch them when you have time. If you want to protect the rest of the family from blaring TV at ungodly hours, wear wireless headphones. A close-captioned TV allows you to read the words and listen to music at the same time!

  • Buy fitness videos to gain new ideas for adding to your current fitness program. Watch them in half-hour increments during your workout.

  • Use hand weights or wrist weights to add to your “treadmill power workout”. Tone and shape your arms while burning body fat. Talk to friends and family on the phone. The many treadmills now have great built-in racks for holding your cell phone or cordless phone.

  • Try the Power Belt for building upper body strength; it increases your caloric expenditure by 48%!

  • Listen to books on tape and get smarter while you get leaner. Find something that you will only allow yourself to listen to while on the exercise treadmill, that way you will have to do your workout in order to find out “who did it”. Utilize a Tune belt in order to keep your cassette player safe from falling.

  • Do you prefer reading while running on your treadmill? BodyTrends.com has an exceptional inventory of reading racks that will fit virtually any treadmill.

  • Get yourself psyched by hanging a picture of how you want to look near your treadmill, as inspiration to reach your goal. The Body-for-Life book contains many inspiring pictures of before and after transformations.

  • Do your laundry and run until the buzzer on the dryer goes off.

  • Light scented candles and run in relaxing semi-darkness – a true mind/body experience!

  • Put dinner in the oven and run until the timer goes off.

  • Use treadmill time for meditation, prayer, or daily review. Figure out life’s meaning while increasing your endurance and health.

  • Interval circuit train- run for 10 minutes and then get off the treadmill and perform a set of strength training exercises. My split routine would work great.


Sunny Health & Fitness T7643 Heavy Duty Walking Treadmill with 350 lb High Weight Capacity, Wide Walking Area and Folding for Storage

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as of October 6, 2024 7:51 pm
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