Trimline Treadmill Reviews
These are without question some of the very best exercise treadmills on the market. Trimline exercise treadmills use industrial-strength motors that are the size and quality normally found in higher-priced fitness club treadmills.
The motors used on their exercise treadmills are designed to run smoother, quieter and with less vibration than any motor in its class. The company stands behind these strong motors with one of the best motor warranties in the fitness equipment industry.
10-30 year warranties on motors are nearly unheard of and there’s a reason for that. Most companies would go broke trying to stand behind their fitness equipment products that way.
Every treadmill in the lineup is at or near the top of its class for each price point. From quiet ride to durability to display features to value for money they make everything you’d want in an exercise treadmill.
These are the models that we have reviewed: