ProForm ThinLine Treadmill Desks Reviews

The concept of combining a treadmill with a workstation has been around for some time now. The idea of being able to take leisurely, gentle exercise, while engaging in conventional office activities such as operating a computer has seen acceptance in many work place environments. 

The popular fitness equipment brand, ProForm has now created two desk treadmill models. These have been branded as “ThinLine” due to the relative narrow profile that the models have when in their folded or stored position.

A clever design feature allows the control console on both models to fold over from the normal upright position to a horizontal position where the back of the console then forms a stable work desk.

In this mode the desk is able to support a wrting pad, phone, laptop computer or many other items you might find on a conventional office desk.

These are the models that we have reviewed:

ProForm “Treadmill Desks”

The entry level model includes many of the features you would find on a modern treadmill including a workout cooling fan, tablet computer holder and the popular iFIT feature.

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